wow so excellent Tom. The hour of this immersive interview flew by leisurely like a bald eagle might in my own isolated locale its power magnetic. Kris has such a sharp focus and enthusiasm and her videos and writing are on their own no doubt as vital as the message delivered: preserve, respect, protect the wild life we love and its environment. "Getting people to stand in the creek" may be all i can do in spreading this out to my meagre followers. I will now have to find her salmon movie. Their journey is as heroic as Lewis and Clark....with grizzlies too! Have followed the take down of dams along the Klamath river out west in recent years and both your work is so important to conservation in general.Just great thanks!

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I appreciate the kind words and will pass them along to Kris.

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i will read her first book before winter is out and rigging up for steelhead up here 🤣🙏

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