My response to your survey: Keep doing what you're doing, but more often. Publish more fishing pictures, of streams and trout, get the rod tip in there, make the line visible off the tip into the stream and across. Try to show what it's like to *do* it in pictures, and in words. More descriptions of what's going on in a stream, where trout hide out, where they have breakfast, lunch and dinner. More of why you're drawn to streams...for me, it's because they are ever changing and seemingly never ending, and every time you visit one you've been before, it has changed in ways subtle and profound. Also, tell us a little more about your off-stream you cook? What shows do you enjoy watching on TV? What are your friends like? Put a few of them in the column. Quote them, treat us to their funny lines. I know there are some. There has to be humor in an endeavor by which you lose so much more often than you win -- I'm talking about all those casts with no bite until finally there is one. It's a little like gambling, isn't it? Or hitting in baseball? Where else is a .300 average such a huge success? What would be a good "average" in fishing? -- Lucian Truscott
My response to your survey: Keep doing what you're doing, but more often. Publish more fishing pictures, of streams and trout, get the rod tip in there, make the line visible off the tip into the stream and across. Try to show what it's like to *do* it in pictures, and in words. More descriptions of what's going on in a stream, where trout hide out, where they have breakfast, lunch and dinner. More of why you're drawn to streams...for me, it's because they are ever changing and seemingly never ending, and every time you visit one you've been before, it has changed in ways subtle and profound. Also, tell us a little more about your off-stream you cook? What shows do you enjoy watching on TV? What are your friends like? Put a few of them in the column. Quote them, treat us to their funny lines. I know there are some. There has to be humor in an endeavor by which you lose so much more often than you win -- I'm talking about all those casts with no bite until finally there is one. It's a little like gambling, isn't it? Or hitting in baseball? Where else is a .300 average such a huge success? What would be a good "average" in fishing? -- Lucian Truscott
This is terrific feedback, you've given me some great ideas. Very helpful, many thanks!