I’m always interested in cool gadgets, especially ones for fly-fishing. When I came across the Cling Fishing Products Mag Grab, I was intrigued enough to order a couple.
I chew the daylights out of foam patches and lose flies, which makes me as mad as when I drop them and can’t find them.1
The Mag Grab is a magnetic fly patch.2 It uses a rare earth magnet (i.e. super strong) to hold flies to the patch. The patch clamps on to your gear with an anti-rust steel plate. The ones I bought are 1 ½ inches by 1 ½ inches square.
Here’s the before and after

I like I can move these around on my gear so easily. I can place them where they are most convenient. I can use one for dries and the other for nymphs, so I can find what I want quickly. Streamers will likely go to the foam patch because I can sink them solidly in it.
Hopefully I’ll get to field test them soon.
Let’s face it, I’m cheap, and avoidable mistakes, especially ones that cost me money, drive me nuts.
Here’s product info from the website: The Mag Grab is a magnetic fly patch made from an anodized aircraft grade aluminum alloy that will stand up to years of use. Its fully machined and milled aluminum housing holds an extremely strong, rare-earth neodymium magnet which was specially chosen to be delicate enough so flies can be easily removed, yet strong enough to hold pliers, forceps, knives, or just about any tool you can imagine. On top of that the stainless steel plate is a high grade stainless steel alloy that holds firmly onto the magnet, but will still resist corrosion, and last for many years to come. The Mag Grab truly sets the bar as the new standard for high quality fly fishing accessories and tools.
I look forward to hearing your field test results. Thank you.
I need a rare earth magnet that holds my flyfishing dreams where I can get at them easily as old age separates me from them.