This is a work in progress…
I read a lot of fly-fishing books. I read fly-fishing stories to clear my mind from the policy-oriented material I must read for my work.
I’ve broken this list into two sections, stories and “how-to.” the numbers of titles in each section reflect my reading interest. They are listed in no particular order.
Most of them are not “how-to” books (although I read some to increase my knowledge).
Fly Fishing Stories - Non-fiction
Any of John Gierach books or articles - I enjoy all of Gierach work, but his latest book, “All The Time in the World”, I found especially enjoyable.
Home Waters, John N. Maclean - I started reading John’s books about wildland fire fighting. His fly fishing stories are just as good. His forward to the centennial edition of Hemingway’s Big Two-Hearted River is fascinating.
Tight Lines, Bill Curry1 Here’s the blurb I wrote for Bill’s book: “From his first immersion into fishing at the Steer Hole, Curry weaves and engaging narrative of his fishing journey from worm and bobber to accomplished fishing guide. He brings his photographer’s eye to his story-telling, with word pictures bringing the stories to life. More than a chronicle of adventures: Curry flavors his stories with conservation truths, regional history and lessons learned. His tales are as informative as they are enjoyable.”
America’s Bountiful Waters, Craig Springer
Searching for Home Waters, Michael K. Steinberg
The Optimist: A Case for the Fly Fishing Life, David Coggins - his “The Contender” Substack, is more than just fly-fishing and always interesting .
Fly Fishing Stories - Fiction
Bill Tapply’s Stoney Calhoun series
Keith McCaffery’s Sean Stranahan series
Bill was a friend and classmate in grade school. Neither one of us expected to become both writers and fishing guides. I certainly didn’t expect to be “blurbing” his first book.