My work at the Marine Fish Conservation Network includes hosting a live stream series and podcast called Waterside Chat. The series connects people who depend on healthy oceans and fisheries with the issues that directly affect them and their communities.
Andrianna Natsoulas joined me on June 21, 2023 for to talk about aquaculture, sustainable seafood and more. The campaign director for Don’t Cage Our Oceans, Andrianna is also the author of “Food Voices: Stories from the People Who Feed Us.”
In a wide-ranging conversation, Andrianna and I talked about:
Don’t Cage Our Oceans’ approach to open-ocean aquaculture policy and advocacy
Why Don’t Cage Our Oceans argues that open-ocean, fin-fish aquaculture is neither economical nor sustainable
The downsides of open-ocean fin-fish farms, from nitrogen and carbon pollution to antibiotic releases and risks to marine mammals
The comparison between open-ocean fish farms and factory farms on land
The need for fish-farming practices that are embedded in social, economic, and environmental values — projects that provide nutritious fish to local residents, support the environment, and bring coastal communities more opportunities
You can sign up for the Network’s email list to learn about future Waterside Chats.